The Time Bandit Solution:

Recovering Stolen Time You Never Knew You Had

PDF & Audiobook

You may not realize you are at the mercy of Time Bandits – people who steal your precious time, not with malice or intention, but with crippling effect on your own pursuits. They steal 40-60% of your time. And because your worst Time Bandits are probably your family, colleagues, clients, bosses, and friends, we can’t just say no – we would risk offending them, or worse, losing clients or getting fired.

Thus, The Time Bandit Solution is a step-by-step lesson on how to recover stolen time you never knew you had. It is designed to teach you the arts and skills for graciously negotiating with the Time Bandits to prevent interruptions from sapping your productivity and satisfaction. The Time Bandit Solution also explains how the damage they cause lingers well beyond the interruption itself, how the stress of interruptions subtracts joy from your most important endeavors, and how to redeploy the time you recover.

Do you often think or say, ”I have too much to do, and not enough time to do it”? If so, this book is for you. If you find yourself frustrated by too many interruptions and feel powerless to prevent them, you want to read this book. With The Time Bandit Solution, you will free yourself from the distress of unwanted, unnecessary and unproductive interruptions, and recapture the time to do what you
