Cohen Brown is proud to announce the development of its newest revolutionary e-based innovation, cbway.
cbway has been designed to bring the learning to the student by leveraging web-based technology and converting Cohen Brown’s vast courseware library into Customized Targeted Performance Solutions (CTPS) for maximizing unfulfilled performance potential.
cbway maintains the integrity of Cohen Brown’s unique leader-led methodology while allowing the training to be delivered directly to the student’s desktop computer if desired. This dramatically increases the flexibility in learning and greatly reduces training and logistical expenses, in a paperless and environmentally friendly environment.
The cbway e-learning platform has two delivery modes:
- cbway ON-DEMAND – A training method that allows the participant to proceed through an assigned training module or any past module at their own rate. Students can review and re-review any of the module elements at any time.
- cbway LIVE – A Cohen Brown Leader-Led classroom experience, including real-time video and audio delivery of meetings or classes. In the class option, cbway provides Cohen Brown’s “Break-Out” Sessions.
cbway provides a user-friendly, step-by-step learning format that allows the manager and student to collaborate and focus on specific skills sets within a behavior for learning and reinforcement. The flow view (shown at right) assists the participant in understanding and accessing the various elements of the module. This feature is available in both cbway On-Demand and cbway LIVE modes.

User Experience
The CTPS modules for cbway On-Demand and cbway LIVE utilize three training components:

Avatar Introductions

PDF Documents

The Avatar acts as a guide; PDF Documents, including workbooks and written scripts, explain a specific focus within the module; and videos provide the training, using a method developed and perfected by Cohen Brown: video-based training methodology.
The cbway On-Demand mode offers various views of the training module for easy navigation. A split screen option is available for those who wish to follow the text or workbook while watching the instructional video.
cbway On-Demand offers ProPractice
Effective for all industries, ProPractice is a behavior change, verbal interaction, coaching technology program that improves employee performance. ProPractice was created to improve behavior and sales results for clients of Cohen Brown.
ProPractice is a completely revolutionary means of perfecting performance in any area that requires verbal interaction, embedding processes, and procedures. It is a performance training and coaching system that focuses on interactive knowledge acquisition and behavioral embedding. And now it is available on the cbway platform.
cbway LIVE
cbway Virtual Live Classrooms is modelled after the traditional physical classroom except that students may be at different locations. The cbway platform connects the participants using computers, tablets, or smart phones. The cbway platform provides access to a live, leader-led, exceptionally collaborative and interactive virtual learning experience to more than 40,000 trainees simultaneously.
Every company designates a cbway Administrator who will create classrooms and user accounts for each attendee. The Administrator can facilitate a class or designate an Instructor. Each attendee has his or her own login and profile.
When the Instructor begins the classroom session, he/she selects a module from the Module List menu and clicks on the Start Session button. The Instructor leads attendees step by step through the flowchart to either read or watch the steps or do a workshop in the chosen module. Workshops use PDF forms which allow responses to be typed in, printed, saved, and e-mailed.
cbway provides the ability to reproduce workshops virtually with remote breakout groups so the participants can see and hear each other as the facilitator observes them via the “Look Over the Shoulder” feature. For debriefing purposes, the facilitator “with a push of a button” brings the breakout groups back to the main group.
The cbway LIVE Instructor’s class screen includes a broadcast view showing what the class sees. The Instructor can also see what each attendee is doing by using the Attendee’s Status Panel, and can open and close documents or windows for each or all attendees. A Chat Window displays all messages sent by the Instructor or the attendees. When the training is over the Instructor clicks the End Session Button to terminate the session.
cbway’s platform uses advanced production and delivery technology combined with 200,000+ edge-servers globally to provide fast, uninterrupted live and taped video streaming without the issues of bandwidth limitations and various device formats experienced by our competitors’ products. The cbway platform eliminates attendee limits as a thing of the past; as the cbway platform can accommodate any size class.