Communication Arts and Skills Lab
Teaches what to say and how to say it to provide the ultimate in consultative service to clients.
Communication Arts and Skills Lab is designed for all managers and front-line personnel. Communication is not just a skill but an art as well. The skill is knowing precisely the right things to say and when to say them. Knowing the right way to say the right things is the art. Communication Arts and Skills Lab focuses on the style of communication, an etiquette protocol, and world-standard, best practice consultative selling and relationship management techniques. Communication Arts and Skills Lab teaches that analyzing clients’ and prospects’ needs is the ultimate form of differentiated, consultative service. Communication Arts and Skills Lab prescriptively provides the methodologies to help participants create a receptive mind-set with their clients and prospects to having their financial needs analyzed for the purposes of satisfying those needs and their overall financial goals and related objectives.
The key skills that your organization’s representatives will learn in Communication Arts and Skills Lab are
- How to develop a Personal Brand and use service recovery techniques
- How to develop an effective and graceful communication style using the CAS Rules and Etiquette Protocol
- How to use the five-phase client-centric FiNAP® process
- Phase 1: Introductory Lines
- Phase 2: Entry Lines
- Phase 3: Needs-based Profiling
- Phase 4: Needs-based Recommendations and Exit Lines
- Phase 5: Generating Referrals utilizing “Offer-to-Assist Others” language
- How to overcome objections by developing personalized, first-person responses
- How to use Discover It, Do It and/or Refer It (DDR) to satisfy a client’s/prospect’s need by personally addressing the need or referring it to the appropriate specialist
- How to use Behavioral EmbeddingSM techniques to sustain peak performance with Executional Excellence