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Performance Results Network Prospect Sessions

January PRN Sessions

January 11, 2017

8:15 AM CST

Creating a Differentiation Statement

There is more to a sales experience than price. Not only do customers and prospects want to feel that the price is appropriate, but also that the total experience is pleasurable. It goes WAY beyond price: atmosphere, attitude of the employees, the presentation of brochures in a rack, etc. This session will discuss the first impressions your branches make, plus those words that create the difference.

Creating a Differentiation

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January 18, 2017

8:15 AM CST

Time Management

Your most valuable resources are time and people. You aren’t any different than any other manager if you state you don’t have enough of these valuable resources. Leverage the resources you have by ensuring that your time, and your people’s time, is spent on the most powerful actions that will immediately impact results and service quality.


Learn about key tactics to maximize your time and energy and to assist you in getting your priorities completed. Learn how to: use time locking successfully to complete priorities, batch process to gain additional time in your day, conduct a time analysis of your priorities so that time is spent on those activities that allow you to meet goals, and use Time Managed Action Planning to prioritize the hard vs. easy tasks as well as the minor many vs. the critical few tasks.

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January 25, 2017

8:30 AM CST

Small Business Pre-Call Planning

You are a “better than the average” Business Banker and you need to position yourself in that way. Preparation for every element of the business call from uncovering the needs to prioritizing the needs and overcoming any objections will allow you to shine as the best of the best. You say, “Oh I already do that.” But, ask yourself, “Am I really doing it? Every day? To the best of my ability such that nobody else could step into my position and do it better?” Discover steps to prepare for a business call, using the Give Reality Test to focus on the business’s primary needs, and creating Hot Button probing questions in financial discovery categories.

Small Business

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If all sessions are purchased, $150 will automatically be subtracted from the total purchase for a total of $600.


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