Inspect What You Expect

Newsletter Series

March Newsletter Sessions

March 7, 2017

11:30 PST, 12:30 MST, 1:30 CST, 2:30 EST

Handling the Rate Shopper

Each interaction with a customer is an opportunity to assist that person with a financial need. Handling the Rate Shopper will focus on how to take this inquiry to a current or future fulfillment of a customer’s needs

Rate Shopper

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 March 14, 2017


Daylight Savings Time

11:30 PT, 12:30 MT, 1:30 CT, 2:30 ET

In-Person Networking

Networking can cause so much anxiety for some professionals that they avoid this beneficial technique for increasing their contacts and pipeline. This session will provide you with some tips for networking as well as a planning sheet to allow you to make the most of any networking event.


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 March 21, 2017


Daylight Savings Time

11:30 PT, 12:30 MT, 1:30 CT, 2:30 ET

Recognizing Life Events

This session will review the eight most common life events, and discuss how we can discover the events, make gracious comments, ask probing questions, create an interest, consultatively close, and follow up with the customer concerning the life event.

Life Events

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If all sessions are purchased, $150 will automatically be subtracted from the total purchase for a total of $600.


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