bpost bank
bpost bank
The main conclusion is that this process has made us understand and believe that there is still a possibility for productivity growth within the team. Structured Time & Workflow Management is the direct reason for the start-up of a reorganization/ optimization of our team “successions”, based on elements from Cohen Brown’s conceptual clock.
We are now a true believer and STWM does exactly what is promised, gives people time back to work more efficiently, decreases the stress level even in a difficult period of illness and a huge increase of to be handled files, and supports us to be more focused and concentrated on the tasks we have to do.

I am happy with the positive outcome of Cohen Brown’s STWM pilot and I would certainly recommend other organizations to implement this Structured Time and Workflow Management process as well. I also want to give a compliment to Brenda Schafer for her patience, knowledge and enthusiasm for the method, coaching and warm personality. She did a terrific job and I would recommend her and the method to colleges.
Cibank Bulgaria
I was very happy when I came to Cibank Bulgaria just 1 year ago to see that the CB program under the name of “Bestseller” had already started. Based on my positive experience and cooperation with Cohen Brown in K&H Hungary, I was convinced that it would help me very much in my aim to implement a “High Performance Culture” in the local Branch Network.
In my opinion the key success items of the program:
- Clarity, focus and methods to create and monitor sales and coaching activities
- The “Leader-led” approach what makes the implementation consistent and embedded
- By focusing on client oriented input activities also realizing automatically higher output
- More consistent and better organization and follow-up in the branches
- Performance increase : sales/FTE up with more than 35% (YTD)
- Improvement of responsibility and accountability of the line management. (empowerment)
- Improved pro-activity and client-focus
So after going again 1 year hand-in-hand with Bestseller/Cohen Brown, I see:
I am also convinced that the positive change contributed very much to the “Efficiency Recognition Award” Cibank received last month.
Based on my 28 years’ experience in Retail Banking in different countries in Europe, I can confirm that Cohen Brown is unique in approaching the behavioral change that is needed to do your business in a “More & Better” way!
Jan Swinnen
Head Branch Network and Distribution Channels
Member of KBC Group
“…in the third year, we more than doubled our revenues again”
“In the first year after we implemented Cohen Brown, revenues doubled. In the second year, revenues quadrupled, which was phenomenal. And then in the third year, we more than doubled our revenues again, off a much higher base.”
Robert M. Boyles
Former Senior Vice President, Financial Management & Trust Services
Security Pacific National Bank (now Bank of America)
FOXTEL Australian
FOXTEL is the leading Australian subscription television company and has been a Cohen Brown Management Group client since March 2009 The Cohen Brown program has been successfully utilised in our inbound and outbound sales and service areas including our offshore outsourcer.
We initiated the program with our leadership team, which then cascaded through to Team Leaders and phone facing Representatives. To date we have noticed a significant change in the way our leaders structure their working week. There is greater consistency as they have aligned weekly goals and objectives, which has fostered a more results focused environment. This has had a direct positive influence on our key performance indicators.
I highly recommend the program to companies who wish to provide a comprehensive program and set of tools to enable a high quality and consistent customer experience The program effectively ensures leaders throughout the business have the tools, processes and support to deliver a focused outcome.
Shona Bishop
Executive Director – Customer Service and Installations
“We had incremental results of 200 – 300%”
“When we first began using Cohen Brown we weren’t sure what the results would be. I hesitate to tell you how well we did because I don’t want everyone to know. But we had results that were 200 – 300% more than we were accustomed to. One thing that happened to us that someone told me the other day that I didn’t expect: I said, ‘What have you seen Cohen Brown do for us?’ And this manager said, ‘Richard, we have stronger product knowledge in our retail bank than we have ever had.’ They know they are going to sell the products, they know that we also have incentive programs tied in with the processes.”
Richard Hickson
Trustmark National Bank
We launched FiNAP Certification and Mastery Accreditation beginning with a Hot House with Branch Managers within one geographic market area. None of these managers would tell you the accreditation was easy, but even our most experienced managers would say that it has been very meaningful.
As of week eight of the accreditation process, the number of FiNAPs completed by managers who participated in the Hot House was 42% above our baseline prior the start of accreditation and opportunities identified per FiNAP was 149% above our baseline.
Here’s a sample of the feedback I’ve received:
“FiNAP Certification has been a great success for us. Graduates of this process exhibit more confidence with each client. Through this certification bankers learn to implement more effective transition and benefit statements and utilize specific sub probes that generate more sales opportunities from clients. This mastery process has dramatically increased the number of FiNAPs we have completed and the number of sales opportunities identified during the FiNAP session.”
-Regional Manager
“By using the more in-depth sub-probing questions in each of the areas, I am now able to uncover many sales opportunities I would have missed in the past. The process is helping us build better relationships, which benefits both our clients and the bank!”
-Branch Manager
” I truly believe that mastery of the FiNAP will give us a significant competitive advantage over our peer banks, and I am looking forward to rolling this out to all of my employees. “
-District Manager
In summary, I’m delighted with the progress we have made with the initiatives that comprise our Behavioral Embedding Implementation Action Plan and the results our execution of the Plan is producing.
Warm Regards,
Jill Hall
Senior Vice President, Consumer Branch Delivery Manager
BOK Financial Corporation
“…we’ve seen our sales per FTE increase tremendously…”
“In the area of member loyalty, we’ve seen results go from about an 88% level of member satisfaction to a 97% level of member satisfaction, and we’ve sustained that for the past four years.”
“Additionally, we’ve seen our sales per FTE increase tremendously. But our focus at the credit union is net loan growth as well as our production levels, and we’ve gone from an average of $97,000 loan dollars per sales FTE to over $600,000 in loan production per sales FTE – and that’s per month. So we’ve been very pleased with not only the service-quality results but also our production results.”
Tralisa Woods
First Financial Credit Union
“…we’ve doubled our results…”
“We have actually seen almost a double in our sales results due to the lab (Call Center labs). And the amazing thing is we haven’t added any additional people. Haven’t changed incentives. Nothing has changed except for us using the labs.”
“We’ve just really focused on our sales meetings on applications in particular with our mortgage officers and have exactly the same number of staff, and we’ve almost doubled our performance from 2 years ago just with applications.”
“Nothing has changed other than Cohen Brown. And we’ve doubled our results… We are true believers.”
Amy Ratliff
Vice President Sales and Recognition
Compass Bank
“…actually tripled our sales results…”
“We’ve actually started our partnership with Cohen Brown, and it’s going on our fifth year and it’s been an outstanding partnership. We’ve actually tripled our sales results since we launched the Cohen Brown Process. It’s been outstanding.”
Jill Hall
Senior Vice President
BOK Financial