Questions Are Full of Opportunity

Newsletter Series

January Newsletter Series

January 11, 2018

 8:30 AM PST, 9:30 AM MST, 10:30 AM CST, 11:30 AM EST

Digging Deep Into Probing Questions

Uncovering the known and unknown needs, the current needs, and the future needs of your clients and prospects is the core of a needs assessment. During this session, we will focus on the effectiveness of open-ended and closed-ended probing questions and statements that take you to the financial recommendations for your client or prospect. You will learn the steps to note-taking in three areas of financial need, pairing features of a product with one of the big five financial benefits, and what opportunity events to note for future follow-up

Digging Deep Into Probing Questions

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 January 18, 2018

 8:30 PST, 9:30 MST, 10:30 CST, 11:30 EST

Commitment to Follow-Up

Following up with your clients / prospects can be one of the biggest sources of business generation and is the conquest of the best of the best service. The commitment to follow-up is a behavior that must be embedded within each sales-and-service professional. You will learn the best times to pre-position follow-up, the four types of Windows of Opportunity that allow for follow-up, creating an Entry Line that establishes likeability and interest within 45 seconds, and the importance of charting during a conversation.

Commitment To Follow-Up

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 January 25, 2018

 8:30 PST, 9:30 MST, 10:30 CST, 11:30 EST

Recognizing Life Events

This session will review the eight most common life events. How do you discover the events, make gracious comments, ask probing questions, create an interest, consultatively close, and follow up with the customers concerning the life event?

Life Events

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If all sessions are purchased, $150 will automatically be subtracted from the total purchase for a total of $600.


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