
  • Actually tripled our sales results

    “We’ve actually started our partnership with Cohen Brown, and it’s going on our fifth year and it’s been an outstanding partnership. We’ve actually tripled our sales results since we launched the Cohen Brown Process. It’s been outstanding.”

    Jill Hall Senior Vice President, BOK Financial

  • Results increased 200% and 300%

    "I don't want everyone to know. But, we increased our results by 200% - 300% more than what we were accustomed to."

    Richard Hickson President & CEO, Trustmark Corporation.

  • Bob Boyles

    Revenues quadrupled

    "In the first year after we implemented Cohen Brown, revenues doubled. In the second year, revenues quadrupled, which was phenomenal. And then in the third year, we more than doubled our revenues again, off a much higher base."

    Bob Boyles Former Senior Vice President, Financial Management & Trust Services, Security Pacific National Bank

  • We've seen an uplift in our staff metrics

    "We measure our staff on various metrics to do with the amount of tasks, which are currently outstanding for our own customers but we have seen a definite uplift over the past few weeks after implementing Cohen Brown training."

    Rob Meakin Applications Director, Pro-Networks