What You Do With Knowledge Is Power

Newsletter Series

May Newsletter Series

 May 2, 2017

11:00 PT, 12:00 MT, 1:00 CT, 2:00 ET

Digging Deep into Probing Questions

Uncovering the known and unknown needs, the current needs, and the future needs of your clients and prospects is the core of a needs assessment. During this session, we will focus on the effectiveness of open-ended and closed-ended probing questions and statements that take you to the financial recommendations for your customer or prospect.

Digging Deep

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 May 10, 2017

11:00 PT, 12:00 MT, 1:00 CT, 2:00 ET

In-Person Networking

Networking can cause so much anxiety for some professionals that they avoid this beneficial technique for increasing their contacts and pipeline. This session will provide you with some tips for networking as well as a planning sheet to allow you to make the most of any networking event.


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May 18, 2017

11:00 PT, 12:00 MT, 1:00 CT, 2:00 ET

Embedding Teller Product Knowledge

“It is never a customer’s or prospect’s responsibility to ask you, to tell you, or to understand anything about financial services, ever. It is your job to educate them.”

This session will provide you with the methods to embed product knowledge within the teller. The methods include linking benefits to features of products, deciding how much a teller needs to know about a product, and the 7 steps to embed teller product knowledge.

Embedding knowledge

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If all sessions are purchased, $150 will automatically be subtracted from the total purchase for a total of $600.


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