Anxiety Is the Price You Pay for the Unprepared Mind and Mouth

Newsletter Series

July Newsletter Series

 July 10, 2018

 8:30 PT, 9:30 MT, 10:30 CT, 11:30 ET

Preparing for Teleconsulting During Campaigns

This session will focus on improving your teleconsulting calls through focused preparation, entry lines that establish credibility and interest, probing questions, and anticipated objections. A case study will be utilized as the skills are practiced.

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 July 19, 2018

 8:30 PT, 9:30 MT, 10:30 CT, 11:30 ET

Handling the Rate Shopper

Each interaction is an opportunity to assist that person with a financial need. Handling the Rate Shopper will focus on how to take this inquiry to a current or future fulfillment of an individual’s needs.

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 July 24, 2018

 8:30 PT, 9:30 MT, 10:30 CT, 11:30 ET

Tellers Drive to the Bottom Line

Tellers are being trained to identify individuals who might want to buy products and services. This task requires tellers to learn about the various financial products and services, so they can explain them to others and refer interested individuals to appropriate specialized personnel. This session will focus on how to create awareness of products and services.


During this session we will discuss uncovering a name during the interaction, creating awareness of products or service campaigns, learning to identify clues that allow tellers to create awareness of products or services, including financial benefits within Tag-on scripting, and making a “warm” referral to the proper specialist.


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If all sessions are purchased, $150 will automatically be subtracted from the total purchase for a total of $600.


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