Leading the Call Center Relationship Management Lab


Leading the Call Center Relationship Management Lab

Provides managers with techniques to maximize their ability to train and lead their employees to create a World-Standard call center.

Leading the Call Center Relationship Management Labs prepares management for facilitating and leading the Call Center Relationship Management Lab, Parts One and Two. The leadership program’s purpose is twofold: 1) to help managers understand the importance of training their direct reports as a means of achieving success in their call centers, and 2) to resolve any personal issues that may impede managers’ ability to lead employees to World-Standard results in the ever-changing environment of a call center.

The key skills that the organization’s call center managers will learn in Leading the Call Center Relationship Management Labs are

  • How to use Change Management Leadership to gain situational control over the department
  • How to provide quality leadership as situations and conditions constantly evolve
  • How to distinguish the differences between quantitative and qualitative coaching, and how to be a more effective qualitative coach
  • How to rely on Time-Managed Action Planning, in which the “20/80 Rule” is employed to focus on the “critical few” items to gain control over the “minor many”