8 Ways to Destroy Workplace Distractions Stop instant messaging, and get more done

8 Ways to Destroy Workplace Distractions Stop instant messaging, and get more done

8 Ways to Destroy Workplace Distractions

Workplace distractions snag more time than you think, according to Edward G. Brown, author of “The Time Bandit Solution.” Get a handle on the following workplace distractions so you can get more done and feel better about it.

Environmental Distractions

• Build a wall. Julie Morgenstern, author of “Time Management from the Inside Out,” says changing your environment can help. Create barriers that both help keep your eyes on your work and make you look less accessible to outsiders.

Technological Distractions

• Recognize your vulnerability to distractions.

• Change your mindset. Morgenstern says, “When you go on a computer, designate which part of that computer you are using and for what amount of time.”

• Take a stroll instead of a scroll.

Social Distractions

• Make a sign that says something like “On Deadline” or “In Focus Mode.” If that feels rude, bring it up with your team or work group, and you may all decide to adopt the practice of Time Locking.

• Ask talkers to email.

• Prepare an exit line.

• Discuss the interruptions over coffee.

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Currently is the U.S. News & World Report careers editor and previously was the Health and Wellness reporter.