Did You See That?

How many times do you hear someone tell you about a movie only to conclude, “You have to see it for yourself”? This happens to me all the time.

But how many times do you hear this in the context of your responsibilities as a leader and coach at work?

Outside of work, we rely on our eyes to inform us about what is going on. We believe that what we see is true…Seeing is Believing.

Isn’t the truth equally important in our responsibilities at work? But so many managers stay in their offices, believing that they can spot opportunity and effectively lead and coach based only on what people tell them or what the numbers say.

Professional sports coaches observe players in practice and during the game. You should do the same with your team.

Get up right now from behind your desk or laptop and go take a look.

Let me know what new truths you discover.

Your thoughts?

Julie Freeman is Regional Director for Cohen Brown Management Group, Inc.

Cohen Brown Management Group is the internally recognized leader in sales-and-service cultural and behavioral change, specializing in consulting and training processes for management, front-line, support/customer service units and call centers. Performance Grapevine provides thought leadership insights on sales training, sales management, leadership training, time management, consultative selling, behavior change, organization change, and culture change.


  1. Neda Bayat 13 years ago

    Well said. A testament to Professional Sports Coaches who coach ‘on the grass’ all the time, a useful concept in any business environment.

  2. Thanks. I’m wondering what you find are some of the most important things to observe?

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