performance grapevine

  • Emotional Intelligence Gives Strength to Leadership


    Working for an emotionally unintelligent manager, or organisation, is akin to working in hell. If you’re not sure what...

  • When Plans Fly out the Window


    By Cindy Leverich . Earlier this year my frustration level reached an all-time high. I have aggressive goals and project...

  • Scripting


    by Claudia Irmer A while back I attended a training course on perfecting coaching skills for a specific target...

  • Prioritisation


    by Claudia Irmer ~ I admit I am a planning, prioritising and controlling freak! I simply love to not...

  • Planning Protocols


    by Claudia Irmer ~ I have a dear and close friend, and she is in a managing position. I have...

  • What Type of Person Are You?


    I am a Type C person. I hear you thinking, “What is a Type C person?” Well, let me...

  • I’m My Own Worst Enemy When It Comes to Distractions


    by Johanna Lubahn ~ I have a big proposal to write in a short time. It’s an involved proposal...

  • Collaboration Can Ensure You Never Move Forward


    Well, there is a way to move your organization forward and there is a way NOT to move your...

  • The Structured Time and Workflow Re-play


    On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 President, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Cohen Brown Management Group, Edward G. Brown and Senior...

  • Focal Locking Martial Arts


    I am a full-time consultant with the Cohen Brown Management Group, and I love my job. But there is...