Who is your greatest Time Bandit? Ask the mirror.
What is more self-defeating than a command to “Concentrate!” Even when you say it to yourself. Concentration has...
You Need To Practice
By practicing something over and over again, you can create a new memory chip in your brain. You must...
When Plans Fly out the Window
By Cindy Leverich . Earlier this year my frustration level reached an all-time high. I have aggressive goals and project...
I’m My Own Worst Enemy When It Comes to Distractions
by Johanna Lubahn ~ I have a big proposal to write in a short time. It’s an involved proposal...
Focal Locking Martial Arts
I am a full-time consultant with the Cohen Brown Management Group, and I love my job. But there is...
We Live in an Interruption Culture
Your office phone rings nonstop with sales pitches while Girl Scouts interrupt you at home to sell those delicious...
Stop, Drop and Roll
I know that’s a saying used for fires, but it also can be used as a solution for today’s...